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We pride ourselves on not only providing world class fitness training, but also in creating a supportive and motivating environment. A family. The moment you arrive at your first class you will find a community of like-minded people of all ages and body types, committed to working hard and achieving lasting fitness results. We love our people and we love what we do – and that shows on the gym floor.

Anchor Fitness HQ, is proud to be fully equipped by Again Faster Australia, the highest quality training gear just for you. We are a showcase facility for all things Again Faster, so you can expect world class coaching and world class equipment!



Owner/ Head Coach

Certificate 4 Fitness
Certificate 5 Fitness
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L1&L2)
Boxing Coach level 1 and Advanced
Kettle Bell Instructor Coach
Bootcamp Instructor
Bachelor Nursing
Bachelor Paramedicine
Advanced First Aid



CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)



CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)
CrossFit Judges Course – Certificate


CrossFit Coach

Crossfit level 1
Certificate 3 & 4 in Fitness
Bachelor of Paramedics

Geoff (Cap)

CrossFit & CrossFit Kids (Scallywags) Coach

CrossFit Crossfit Kids
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L2)


Mobility Instructor

Yoga Teacher



CrossFit level 1 (CF-L1)

Ralph & Marlo

Giver of all the hugs

Level 5 and Advanced pooch in cuddles and kisses



Bachelor of Exercise Science
Bachelor of Teaching
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)
CrossFit Judges Course
First Aid & CPR



Bachelor of Health, Sport and Physical Education (Honours)
CrossFit level 1 (CF-L1)
CrossFit Judges course
First Aid & CPR



CrossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L2)
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)
Judges Certificate
Lesson Planning Certificate
Scaling Certificate
Spot the flaw Certificate
First Aid / CPR


Matt Gear

Anchor Fitness HQ is a great environment to train in. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re training to compete, Bec, her coaching team and the Anchor community are there to support and encourage you. It’s an awesome community to be a part of. Check it out!

Clementine Lodder

Tell us a little about yourself (i.e. work, hobbies) and how long you met/have known Bec for?
I currently work in the military and I travel a lot for work. I have always lived a very active lifestyle and enjoy various types of exercising. I first met Bec at the start of 2019 when I moved back to Brisbane after living in Sydney. She was an excellent coach and I was really drawn to her coaching style.

Where have you come from in your fitness journey? (i.e. where did it all start? What was your motivation, do you have any injuries that you have had to work through?)
I started CrossFit in mid 2018, after I returned from an overseas deployment. I like to be challenged and I found CrossFit to be a new type of fitness, with multiple skills that I had never tried. When I came to Brisbane and started training with Bec, I was unable to perform a number of the CrossFit skills. She has helped me develop these skills with excellent advice and support. She has also helped me break down mental barriers that I had put up and as a result I have become the fittest that I have ever been. She encouraged me to compete in competitions, which further motivated me to do the best that I could. Bec has also been a great support and encouragement while I have been away for work. She has provided the advice and assistance with my training that I needed to maintain a high level of fitness.

What is it like to have Bec as your CrossFit Coach?
Bec is the best coach I have ever had. She is a great athlete and has excellent tips that really work to improve skills, strength and endurance. She is tough and I really enjoy that about her coaching style. She will never let me get away with less than what she knows I am capable of. She is also really motivating and supportive. She gets to know her clients and really cares about them. She has also helped me reach a lot of my CrossFit goals that no other coaches have been able to do. I not only find her advice helpful for CrossFit but also for life and I think of her more as a friend than a coach.

Describe Bec in 3 words?
Passionate, Determined and Supportive

Amy Hajek

Tell us a little about yourself (i.e. work, hobbies) 
I work as a hairdresser I have a 12 year old son and I’m super loud and love laughing!!

Where have you come from in your fitness journey? (i.e. where did it all start? What was your motivation, do you have any injuries that you have had to work through?)

I started my fitness journey about 6 years ago doing boot camps, then I went on to do powerlifting and also now crossfit. I have always done boxing throughout all of my fitness journey.

I have type 1 diabetes so all exercise if extremely good for my health.

What is it like to be in one of Hayley’s classes?

Being in one of Hayleys classes is amazing she is so encouraging, supportive and great with technique which is so important.

She pushes you to your limit so then that way you get a great workout and feel amazing after.

What would you say to a new person wanting to get into Anchor Boxing?

Boxing is such a fantastic way to exercise. Not only does it help with getting some aggression out but you also feel so empowered while your training.

It’s also a great way to get very sweaty burn lots of calories and have fun while doing all of that.

Ellen Freeman

Tell us a little about yourself (i.e. work, hobbies) and how long you met/have known Bec for?
I’m a Veterinary Nursing, Yoga teaching, Crossfitting, Acupuncture and Chinese medicine student (phew!) who’s known Bec since September 2018. My partner Aaron and I moved to Brisbane earlier that year and had struggled to find a gym with both coaching and programming that matched what we adored in our home gym of Adelaide. From the very first moment we met Bec, it was love at first “HURRY UP!”

Where have you come from in your fitness journey? (i.e. where did it all start? What was your motivation, do you have any injuries that you have had to work through?)
My fitness journey began in a pursuit to be a marathon runner. After battling with many an injury (and realization that I have a body that’s not particularly well designed for long distance running) I began my Yoga journey and started picking up weights. I initially had a PT that encouraged my training in the direction of being a ‘fitness model’ but I didn’t feel it suited me very much (I love cake). So, I plucked up the courage to walk into my very first Crossfit gym, after the guy (my now partner Aaron) I was crushing on hard had told me he too was going to start Crossfit…. It’s been a competition between us ever since!

What made you choose Bec to be your personal trainer?
Bec’s no nonsense attitude and strong morals really align with my core beliefs. Plus, I desperately need someone who’ll tell me when I’m being a wuss, or cracking another tanty, or spending too long dancing around the bar instead of lifting it… the list goes on. More so, Bec’s fine tuned eye for detail in technique is far beyond any coaching skills I’ve experienced in the 3 years I’ve been doing Crossfit.

What changes have you seen in yourself since working one on one with Bec?
With Bec’s help I’ve been able to train myself out of some bad habits I acquired with poor lifting techniques. With these new skills I’ve noticed a huge shift in my strength and capability, something I would not, and had not, achieved on my own. I now also realize how much I twerk/shuffle my feet/dance around the bar before actually lifting something heavy- but we’re still working on that, hey Bec

Describe Bec in 3 words?
Honourable, indelible, beautiful <3

Paige Robinson

Tell us a little about yourself (i.e. work, hobbies) 
I am a business owner and lash and brow professional. If I am not walking Kai my German Shepard, hanging with family or out with my partner Ed drinking coffee at the local cafe… I am here lashing and waxing!  That is me in a nutshell!

Where have you come from in your fitness journey? (i.e. where did it all start? What was your motivation, do you have any injuries that you have had to work through?)
All of my life I have felt intimidated to go to a gym and I felt really insecure working out. Due to my mental well-being and lack of energy a year a go I started taking my fitness seriously. Eating better, doing outdoor activities and working out with my partner in our garage.

Since working out I have never felt better! I found the courage to step out of the comfort of my home gym + my comfort zone, and meet like minded people by coming to Anchor boxing.

What is it like to be in one of Hayley’s classes?

It’s been years since I’ve been in the gym on a regular basis and as a beginner boxer Hayley makes me feel at ease with her confident, happy, warm nature!

I enjoy Hayleys classes so much! You get a full body workout! They are fun full of energy and you’ll get a laugh or two!

I leave every class sweating! Feeling in high spirits and itching to come back!!

What would you say to a new person wanting to get into Anchor Boxing?

Take a rest day the day before! ???? Don’t make the mistake I did on my first day and prepare for a full body workout! You will sweat! There’s   nothing more empowering then when you learn new moves focus in on the boxing bag and start to release all that energy! Can’t wait to see you at Hayley’s class!
